Technology and me

I’ve been having problems with WP on my laptop … tells me I dont have the authority to post things.

Hence the strange one photo blog which you got notified about as a “test” but was not there when you clicked on it.

Sorry, but I’d deleted it as soon as it went live, forgetting you, a wonderful follower of my blogs, would be notified. As I said in the title ‘technology and me” are not comfortable bedfellows.

So, although my laptop is misbehaving it seems my phone is fine.

Here are a few random photos and I hope that soon my wonderful technology expert will sort out the wrinkles  – I must try on my tablet too😏😘

Arthurs Pass. NZ
Traffic jam NZ
I help turn men into monks – celebrating the king’s birthday some years ago
Feed me. Zealandia, NZ
Taj Mahal
Wildlife Kerala